Each issue of Room features 4-8 pages of interior art. We accept illustrations, collages, mixed media, digital art, fine art, photography, graphic arts, and more, just not AI art. We publish artists from marginalized genders including but not limited to women (cisgender and transgender),  transgender menTwo-Spirit and nonbinary people. Artists from intersecting identities are particularly encouraged to submit.

We print in black and white or greyscale, at a minimum of 300 dpi+.

Here is a collection of art that has recently appeared in our pages.

If you believe your work would be a fit for Room, please contact us at art@roommagazine.com with a link to your website or portfolio. If you are submitting to a themed issue, please include the theme your email’s subject line.

If you have a specific piece in mind, please include links, not attachments.

Room does not commission new work; we pay for the right to reprint existing work with your permission. We pay $50/page+ 2 copies of the issue in which your work appears + a 1 year print subscription to Room.